get moving
get moving
success stories
principles of movement
how it works
better movement = higher quality of life
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Bone On Bone Is NOT The End!
Somebody tell your surgeon :)
toddler strong
Want to be functional in old age? Rebuild your "toddler strength!"
Playing = Training = Healing
If it isn't FUN, you're doing it WRONG.
Put It In A Blender!
Need more joint repair? Try "blending" it into your day!
Form Follows Function
Arnold got it. Do you get It?
The Four Elements Of Healing
You need 'em all.
Skill-Based Rehab: Dancing
Dancing is good for your ankles, knees, and SOUL :)
Of Swords And Cactuses
Joint Repair doesn't have to be a drag. Enter "Skill-Based Rehab!"
Exercise is a BLUEPRINT. You still need WOOD...
Don't sabotage your joint repair goals by not getting enough protein! Here's what you need to know...
Just A Taste! And Then Back Into Rehab...
Is there such a thing as a "healthy addiction?" If it makes you STRONGER in the end, YES!
The Liver King Is Just A Symptom
Over-muscled conmen are as old as the fitness industry itself. They "succeed" because we think about how the body looks, not how it moves.
Shoes Are Dumb
Over-cushioned shoes weaken and immobilize our feet. Minimalist shoes let them move more naturally, but can increase the risk of injury. The solution? Make a smart transition...
Catch That Chicken!
Cross-training: improve your favorite movement skills by learning new ones!
Love Your Cuffs
Got a weird, clicky shoulder? You've probably got some cuff issues. If you said "What's a cuff" this article is just for you :)
Gym It!
Gyms are nice but do you need one? With a little bit of knowledge and creativity, almost anything can become a gym. In other words, you can "gym it."