Just A Taste! And Then Back Into Rehab...

Is there such a thing as a "healthy addiction?" If it makes you STRONGER in the end, YES!

Are you impatient, especially when it comes to healing your joint pain?

Welcome to the club!  It includes everyone.

The fact is, injuries take time to heal.  The worse the injury, the longer it takes.

This is especially true when you only heal partially before subjecting to yourself to the same activities that damaged you in the first place - your sports, your hobbies, your labors, etc.

Raise your hand (with me) if that sounds like you.

Ideally, when we get hurt we could just "hit pause" on our lives and turn our full attention towards healing.  

And then there's reality...

We have to move - to earn money, to help others, to keep our sanity, etc.

But we also have to NOT move in those ways so we can devote more resources to the movements that heal.  To rehab.

This is "The Mover's Dilemma", and I get it.

I've had physical jobs my entire life - personal trainer, bike messenger, house painter, lumberjack, parkour teacher, pedicab driver, facilities manager, strength coach - while also playing hard sports and/or training each day since childhood.

I've had injuries the whole time.

From this I've had to learn how to rehab a blown joint while remaining highly active more times than I can remember.

The greatest gift this has forced on me is patience.

With each injury I get to relearn that that fastest way back to the things I love, like jumping on rails, is to do as little of them as possible while spending as much time as I can on rehab.

I get better at this over time, yet I'm still a hard dog to keep on the porch.  

And I always will be ;)

However, as I get older in this game, I've learned I don't need to play so hard to get what I want - money, service, friendship, community, sanity, happiness, and much more.

But I still like a taste of the hard stuff sometimes😈

Other people might not understand, but in my world it's that occasional taste that pushes me further into all the good things, like teaching joint repair to others who need that taste too :)

The good news is our addiction can be healthy in the right amount...

...if it motivates you to keep taking your other movement medicines each and every day.

-Coach Seanobi, BS, CSCS, CEP, CPT

PS - Whenever you're ready, here's three ways I can help you:

1) Join The Joint Repair Forum.  Our Facebook Group for individuals who want to learn, share, and collaborate on all things Joint Repair. In 2024 we're also going to hold monthly Live Chats where I'll be on hand to troubleshoot your thorniest joint healing issues.  Join today!

2) Watch my latest training

If you want to see how I teach my clients to rebuild connective tissue and heal joint pain, then watch this.

3) Book a FREE Movement Strategy Call

Sick and tired of joint pain keeping you from your favorite movements? Tried all the workouts and e-books and supplements and still not happy with your results?  You’re likely closer to the solution than you think IF you can make a few key changes to your training.  Book a free call so we can discuss the best steps for you to take. Click here to schedule your call now.