Of Swords And Cactuses

Joint Repair doesn't have to be a drag. Enter "Skill-Based Rehab!"

Don't hit me with the whole "cacti" thing, okay?  

They both work.

I've been documenting the recovery of my own shoulder injury, and how I blend the slow, linear "boring" work of basic rehab with skills that I ENJOY.

The first four exercises comprised the Stabilization/Mobilization phase of my practice this day:

1) Wall Cactuses

2) Low Band Pulls

3) Single Arm Quadruped Leans

4) Wall Clocks

When performed using the joint repair principles I teach every week - MOVE SLOW, KEEP JOINT PAIN BELOW 3, USE VARIABLE MOTION ALONG WITH LINEAR MOTION - these are great choices for just about anyone looking to repair a damaged rotator cuff (the injury I'm healing currently).

The final movement - sword swings - is my personal cherry on top :)

As I've written many times before, you have to have a compelling REASON to fully rehab an injured joint or you...won't.

Whatever form that takes - whatever your "sword swing" is - that's the light that will guide you through the dark forest of early rehab.

From there, you just have to build the bridge from "Cactus" to "Sword."

If you need expert guidance on bridgebuilding, I know a guy ;)

-Coach Seanobi, BS, CSCS, CEP, CPT

PS - Whenever you're ready, here's three ways I can help you:

1) Join The Joint Repair Forum.  Our Facebook Group for individuals who want to learn, share, and collaborate on all things Joint Repair. In 2024 we're also going to hold monthly Live Chats where I'll be on hand to troubleshoot your thorniest joint healing issues.  Join today!

2) Watch my latest training

If you want to see how I teach my clients to rebuild connective tissue and heal joint pain, then watch this.

3) Book a FREE Movement Strategy Call

Sick and tired of joint pain keeping you from your favorite movements? Tried all the workouts and e-books and supplements and still not happy with your results?  You’re likely closer to the solution than you think IF you can make a few key changes to your training.  Book a free call so we can discuss the best steps for you to take. Click here to schedule your call now.